Since, donation is a very good deed to bring about a change in the monotonous part of them. On developing the idea to help, the donation can pay the amount in cash or cheque. With the help of this amount, "MANAV SEVA EJ PRABHU SEVA TRUST" are able to buy the necessary things for the mental retardation people. After all, they deserve a better life and are not destined to live like that. Along with this, "MANAV SEVA EJ PRABHU SEVA TRUST" functioning also includes health and betterment of mental retardation people .
The concept of MANAV SEVA EJ PRABHU SEVA TRUST funding has been quite successful as the donation would easily be able to locate his contributions. MANAV SEVA EJ PRABHU SEVA TRUST would send proper receipts and other documentation needed. Moreover, donations are also tax exempted. So, this would help the donation to get some benefit from his social service. Along with this, the donation will be beneficial for the mental retardation people as it will provide them access to basic facilities of life.
Donation If you are located outside India or the United States, please make a bank transfer using the information listed below.
In addition send an e-mail to with your Name, Address, Contact Details and what you would like your donation to be used for.